Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lehman Pictures

Going through pictures....

And I've come across a gold mine of pictures.  When I was a young kid, Grandma Pat kept all of her pictures in a box in her pantry.  It wasn't the most organized system, but it worked, lol.  I would drag that box out to the living room and pull every single one of those pictures out and go through them one by one - asking questions, identifying people, and as I got older, even writing names and dates if possible on the backs with Grandma instructing me who was who.  She would always ask, "Why do you want to go through all that crap?"  lol 

I had no answer then, and have none now - other than, I'm fascinated by it.  I'm fascinated with looking at our family story, who was part of it, what their part was, hearing stories about them and how we came to be, well, US.  I loved finding physical similarities in our ancestors and us, pointing out who had the Lehman blue eyes, or the ears or the cheeks.  Grandma thought it was silly, but she humored me - even as she looked at me as if I was the weirdest kid she'd ever known!  lol

So, in trying to get everything uploaded so that I can share what I know with everyone, here are a few gems I've found along the way.  I call this "Lehman" history, but of course, there will be some Hatfield stuff too - considering our Lehmans are a combo of the two!  Much love to you all!  ~Anita

Anna (Dick) Lehman and two youngest sons, Art (lt) and Vic (rt)

Juanita "Pat" (Hatfield) Lehman with all siblings - Thomas (middle) Billy (lt), Jim (kneeling), Betty and Wilma (not sure which is which in this picture, I think Wilma is on the right)

Harry and Anna on their wedding day.
Harry and Anna dancing - may have been an anniversary?
Anna and Harry Lehman, and all three daughters-in-law, Pat, Lucille, and Becky.
John Edward Lehman
John Edward Lehman
Victor Sr. and Pat Lehman with all five Lehman children.

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